
I’m Diane Jenks,  the host and producer of The Outspoken Cyclist Podcast – one of the longest running and most popular bicycling podcasts in the industry. To date, there are over 660 episodes with almost 3000 interviews. spanning over 14 years.

Topics range from advocacy and legislation to competition, books reviews, and – well, just about any topic that relates to the bicycle.

I was an independent bike shop owner from 1974 through 2012, the last 15 years of which my store fit, designed, and built custom bicycles only. Our clients ranged from randonneurs and cross-country riders to triathletes.

I’ve been a ride and race director, producing biathlons and a half-iron man triathlon,  a 15 year tour of our Cleveland Metroparks, as well as a weekend event that traveled through the covered bridge area of NE Ohio every October for 6 years.

I have conducted seminars and workshops for the bicycle industry and have written for both trade and consumer publications.

I authored the first edition of The HubBub Guide To Cycling in 1997 in response to a weekend event we offered in our store inviting tour guides to talk about their companies. The Guide has been updated to a digital version that is now available in its second edition on Amazon.com.

My husband Brian and I have brought several products to market for the bicycle industry including the HubBub drop bar adapter for twist grip shifters and the HubBub Helmet Mirror.

I am also a certified yoga instructor at the 200 hour level and currently teach mostly active seniors – both men and women – in a traditional Hatha Yoga style. Since the pandemic, all classes are virtual. (Interested?  Go to the website!)

I ride a custom Bushnell tandem with my bicycle engineer husband Brian and we have two fabulous dogs.