Show #544 – February 27, 2021

Guests: Elizabeth McGowan; Rob DeMartini

This week, we meet journalist and long-distance cyclist Elizabeth McGowan.

In addition to her work – she’s a Pulitzer prize winning journalist – she’s also an ardent adventurer and a cancer survivor.

I found her to be one of the most articulate, interesting, and candid people I’ve spoken with over the many hundreds – nope thousands – of interviews on the show.

Yes she wrote a book – a really good one about her cross-country bike tour. But, it was her reasons for taking the trip and then teasing out the whys that became the real story.

Elizabeth fought melanoma for many years. Her father died from the disease at the age of 44. Some of the treatments Elizabeth experienced were experimental – all were brutal. So, when she received her 5-year clean bill of health, she decided to celebrate with a cross-country bike tour.

Her book, Outpedaling the Big C is the telling of the story of that trip.

Then, I welcome USA Cycling’s CEO Rob DeMartini back to the show. Rob wanted an opportunity to respond to some of the comments that George Mount made on the show two weeks ago.

According to Rob, George’s assumptions were based upon outdated knowledge of the organization and Rob DeMartini l wanted to offer a more current explanation of how the organization works.

So… equal time…

Show #543 – February 20, 2021

Guests: Brendt Barbur; Jason Huntsman & Aaron Frank

We have two interesting conversations for you this week.

The first is with Brendt Barbur.  Brendt founded the Bicycle Film Festival in 2000 – yep, 2020 was the 20th anniversary of the wildly popular event. But, we all know what happened in 2020, and there was some question as to whether it was time let it go.

Have you been spending in inordinate amount of time in front of your television – screening The Queen’s Gambit or Bridgerton or The Crown, or any number of other shows or films as you socially distance yourself and try to find outlets for what seem to be endless hours without human interaction?

Well… how about combining your sport – cycling – and film -and the arts – and your community- and all online? Nothing brings community together like a mutually exciting and informative event – especially when it involves sport, music, film, and fun!

The Bicycle Film Festival, which in its 20 years has attracted a million people to its venues all over the world, found itself looking at cancelling the 2020 event and wondering whether it was time to just call it as everything began to shut down due to the pandemic.

But, the calls starting coming in from cities, organizations, and potential sponsors to find a way to keep bringing the music, the films, the art, and the people together.

Our second conversation is with two gentlemen – Jason Hunstman and Aaron Frank – both with the eBike brand, Serial 1

We don’t usually do in-depth bike reviews on the show, but we do talk about eBikes and when Harley

Davidson decided to lend their engineering and know-how to produce pedal-powered machines, I thought it was worthy of a conversation.

Last year, Harley Davidson spun off its eBike brand, Serial 1, and they were able to come into the space without leaning on the legacy of companies like Specialized or Trek or Giant.

Show #542 – February 13, 2021

Guests: George Mount; Cory Greenberg

Hello and welcome to TOC. I’m your host Diane Jenks and this is our show for February 13th, 2021. Happy Valentine’s Day!

First of course, is Radiothon! Our once-a-year big fundraiser for WJCU.  The website opened Friday, FEbruary 12th and we are counting on you to help us reach our goal of $50K for this year’s Come Together for WJCU 2021 radiothon..

Even if you don’t live in the NE Ohio area or listen to WJCU – 88.7FM on a regular basis, you are listening to this podcast and without WJCU, I’m not sure where I’d be! The college hosts the Outspoken Cyclist show as well as great original programming all week long!


My first guest is not new to TOC, he is ex-pro and Bicycle Hall of Fame inductee and way way more, George Mount.  When you want the truth about anything in the bicycle racing world – just ask George! He has much to say about the state of cycling in the U.S. and he says it in a clear and informed way.

In addition to his incredible achievements – a pro racing career, George was the first American to break into European Road Racing.

Back in 2013, when we last spoke with George Mount, he was still living in northern California and was giving us the inside scoop on the bicycle hall of fame.

Fast forward to today and George is now living the “serene” retired life in Oregon and working on a book about bicycling in Northern California back in the day.

He hasn’t lost any of his passion for the sport and has some very insightful commentary about USA Cycling. He really wants to see fundamental changes inside the organization and its boards of directors. Boards? As in plural?

Our second guest is no less passionate about bicycles and racing, only his approach is from a very different perspective.

Did you know that 1.3% or upwards of 3 million people in the U.S. were reported as being diagnosed with IBD – either Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease in a 2015 study? The disease is not only debilitating, it can also be embarrassing and scary.

Cory Greenberg, now in his early 30’s, found out about IBD and specifically ulteractive colitis while racing on a U23 team about 10 years ago. As many young people who believe that “it will just go away on its own” sometimes like to believe, he began experiencing the pain, inflammation, and accompanying symptoms of what eventually flared into full-blown ulcerative colitis, forcing him off his bike and into the hospital.

His approach to healing accompanied by his commitment to his sport have brought him two major achievements – so far – remission and a pro racing career. Today, we’ll hear his story.



Show #540 – February 6, 2021

Guests: Molly Hurford; Karen Laberee; Walk-Bike-Ohio

Last week, I promised a review of Molly Hurford and Peter Glassford‘s new book, Becoming A Consummate Athlete and, when I promise… I deliver! (well, most of the time) It’s a book you just might want to add to your list of fitness and well being titles, covering a wide range of topics that make a whole lot of sense.

Molly Hurford and Peter Glassford’s new book, Becoming A Consummate Athlete, takes their 20+ years of coaching, riding, running, and writing – lots of writing – and  puts much of their expertise and ideas into it covering topics from creating new habits and shedding old ones to getting back on track when you fall off the wagon – so to speak. Today, we chat with Molly.

Then, we learn about, a new online resource for reporting and tracking everything from potholes to collisions and other safety hazards. It’s a crowd sourced tool for global mapping of cycling safety.

When you click on, a beautiful map appears on your screen. On the map is a series of points that have been created by people just like you. Each point will describe a place, a hazard, an incident, or show where a bike has been stolen. And, that data can be viewed, updated, or analyzed. Karen Laberee is the executive director of bike maps.

And, finally we speak with a team of planners from ODOT, our own Ohio Department of Transportation, about the new Walk Bike Ohio master plan – a plan that is promising to make walking and biking in Ohio safer, more convenient, and accessible for everyone.

Over the years, we’ve often spoken with planners, transportation specialists, and advocates around the US and beyond to move the needle for safer and more comprehensive biking and walking.

Today, we’re speaking with folks from Ohio on that same subject – safer and more accessible biking and walking – as a new plan is about to launch.



Show #539 – January 30, 2021

Guests: Chris Zigmont;  Chris Carmichael, James Sonnhalter, Michael Dever, and Mary Cierebiej;

Hello and welcome to TOC.  I’m your host Diane Jenks and this is our show for January 30, 2021.  WOW – January seems to have flown by and I’m eagerly looking forward to February with an eye toward spring!

Before we get to our show this week, I’d like to make a correction from my blog entry for Bike Bentonville from  last week.   I stated that Dirty Kanza had been changed to the Big Sugar ride – nope – incorrect! In fact, Big Sugar is a NEW ride – sold out by the way – and Dirty Kanza’s new name is Unbound!  Both are Lifetime Events!  Many apologies for my faux pas.

Moving right along; I think our show this week is very interesting!

A couple of weeks ago, Shimano announced that it would take over neutral support for the peloton at the 2021 Tour de France.

Many of you know that neutral support has been the pervue of Mavic with their yellow support vehicles loaded with bikes, wheels, and other equipment.

Today, we learn a lot more about neutral support from someone who was not only part of it, but knows the history.

Chris Zigmont  has been in the bicycle world since the 1980’s starting out by stealing his older brother’s bike, subsequently wrecking it, and finding out that the bicycle would be a lifelong passion.  From working at a local bike shop in NH to a stint at Specialized at the beginning of his career, Chris has been all over the world – involved at the deepest levels of the sport.

He’ll take us from then to now… his most current project – The Alternate Route!

We’ll have our 4th and final installment of our training tips with coach Chris Carmichael.  Today, we discuss weekly mileage – whether you should take one LONG ride a week or several shorts rides.


And finally, we speak with a trio of folks from North East Ohio who are working to bring 30 miles of new paths and trails to the Cleveland Lakefront with the Cuyahoga Lakefront County Access Plan.

Armand Budish, the Cuyahoga County Executive, had this to say to jump start the plans for the new Lakefront Planning Effort:

“To make a huge leap forward for our region, to separate ourselves from our competitors, we must build on our best asset. And that is our lake.”

My guests, Mike Dever, Mary Cierebiej, and Jim Sonnhalter, couldn’t agree  more:   The Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath – which is over 100 miles long – has been a 40+ year project that will finally see its final connector piece drop into place later this year.  This new plan will get underway a lot sooner!



Show #538 – January 23, 2021

Guests: Kalene Griffith &Aimee Ross; Chris Carmichael; Joe Lindsey


We start out this week’s episode in Bentonville, Arkansas. Yes, it’s the home of Wal-Mart and the Walton family. And, it’s recently been billed as the mountain bike capital of the world.

With events such as Big Sugar, which is a new event from Life Time  and which sold out almost immediately upon opening registration, and hundreds of miles of great trails that expand into other parts of the state from Bentonville, I wanted to know more about the City and what else it had to offer.

From a new airport that’s almost like a living museum to a downtown that acts like a trailhead to spread out onto the many paved and unpaved trails, Bentonville is a ride-365-days-a-year place. CEO and Director of Visit Bentonville, Kalene Griffith and the Aimee Ross, director of Bike Bentonville are over-the-moon excited about bicycling and what the city has to offer visitors.

We’ll have part three of our four part series with head coach and founder of CTS training systems, Chris Carmichael. And, this week’s tips are about something near and dear to all of us – FOOD.

I learned the hard way that certain foods and I don’t get along when I’m riding; and, I guess we all have to figure some of that our for ourselves. But, it’s nice to have some guidance and Chris Carmichael is ready to give us some tips.

Our last guest for this week is journalist Joe Lindsey. Joe writes about outdoor sports, health and fitness, and science and technology, for consumer publications and commercial clients.

2020 was such a strange and in many ways, a disappointing year for so many of us. But, we also know that bicycling was a bright spot and the question is whether all of those who turned to the bicycle – whether for recreation, transportation, and even indoor riding when in lock-down as many countries even forbade outdoor activity, will stay with it giving bicycling an expanded population going forward.

In his January 21, 2021 article for Outside Online titled “The Pandemic Bike Boom Is Here To Stay,” Joe gives us facts and figures about why that might be true.

Show #537 – January 16, 2021

Guests: AJ Roan; Chris Carmichael; Scott Bricker

My first guest lives in Wasilla, Alaska. And, if you think back a few years, that should sound familiar. (I’ll leave it at that for now.)

I always think of Alaska as being exotic and so far away. I know many of you have been there, but I haven’t. So, almost like being there, we’re going to talk with AJ Roan.

AJ writes for North of 60 Mining News and you might wonder what we’d have to talk about since his work is in mining – which is another whole topic we don’t get into a lot in our conversation. His article, titled 1000 Miles Ride From Dawson to Nome, is what grabbed my interest.

What we DO talk about is a gentleman named Edward Jesson who lived in Alaska at the time of the Great Gold Rush.

In 1899 Edward Jesson was a successful businessman. It was during the time of the insanity of the Gold Rush and thousands of people were heading to Nome, Alaska to stake a claim. It was also the beginning of the new-fangled safety bicycle – similar to what we know today.

Edward decided to sell all his belongings, buy a bicycle – something he didn’t even know how to ride at the time – and ride from Dawson City in the Canadian NW to Nome – 1,000+ miles.

We’ll speak with Chris Carmichael of CTS Training Systems out in Colorado Springs in the second of our 4-part series about training. Today we talk about cadence, how and why it’s an important indicator of your performance, and how to determine what is optimal for you.

Then, we head on over to Pittsburgh. Yes, Browns fans, you can gloat about football, but when it comes to a great advocacy organization, I think Pittsburgh is probably at the top of the list.

It’s been over 7 years since we spoke with Scott Bricker the executive director of Bike Pittsburgh, and I thought it was high time to see what the organization is up to these days.

Along with some great events, the organization does a remarkable job with combining advocacy, community building, and education addressing just about every aspect of urban cycling.



Show #536 – January 9, 2021

Guests: Gersh Kuntzman; Chris Carmichael; Paul J. Lee

We have two guests this evening and, as promised, our new weekly feature!

My first guest is blunt, to the point, and doesn’t mince words when it comes to the Mayor of NYC and the NYPD.  Gersh Kuntzman is the editor of Streetsblog NYC and Streetsblog USA and this past week, he published a Streetsblog entry based upon a report by TransAlt about New York City’s Failure to Add Bike Parking, although it was promised, and what the consequences have been.


Then, we’ll have the first of four special segments this month on training. Chris Carmichael, founder and head coach of CTS Training Systems in Colorado, joins me today to talk about getting dropped – or, more to the point – NOT getting dropped!.


Finally, we head over to London to speak with researcher Paul Lee from Deloitte’s TMT – Technology, Media, and Telecommunications – division. Back in December of 2019, he and two of his colleagues published their research in a report titled “”Cycling’s technological transformation: Making bicycling faster, easier, and safer.”

Little did we know that a worldwide pandemic would ensue in the following months and I wanted to know how some of the predictive ideas he was talking about were still on track going forward.
So – of course, me being nosy and all, I decided to contact the head researcher, Paul Lee, to hear what he had to say.


Show #535 – January 2, 2021

Guests: Steven Frothingham; Charles Pelkey & Patrick “Mad Dog” O’Grady

HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you had a great holiday – not too much carousing and all!

With SO much anticipation for a better year, I’m hopeful that will be the case.

Today, I thought we’d begin with a wrap-up of the 2020 bicycling season with Steve Frothingham, the editor in chief of Bicycle Retailer and Industry News,.

To say it’s been a stressful year would be a gross understatement and I knew Steve would be able to put a lot of it in perspective.

I’m not sure what your experience was with bike shops or bike related products in 2020, but it was uber-challenging to say the least.

Once we figured out that bicycle retailers were “essential workers” and that going outside was a safe and in fact very important piece of the pandemic puzzle, the bicycle was suddenly on center stage under huge spotlights.

What happened next and as a result of some unanticipated twists of fate if you will, left the industry overwhelmed with demand, absent of adequate product, and scrambling to figure out how to solve what are still difficult and exasperating problems.

Steven and I talk about the winners, the losers, and what we might expect in 2021.

After our break, we loop in Charles Pelkey and Patrick O’Grady – AKA the Live Update Guys.

Even though they no longer do their wildly popular LUG gig, Charles called me last week to talk about the loss of one of their “regular” posters to the daily commentary that followed along with the major races each year.

Monsignor Richard Soseman – known as just Mons when he chimed in to the sessions, was originally at St. Peter’s in Rome and recently had transferred back to the U.S.

On December 6th at the age of 57, he died from COVID and Charles wanted to offer up a fond tribute as well as his heartfelt homage to a sweet and special man. It’s a lovely story.

Along with Live Update Guy Patrick “Mad Dog” O’Grady, here is my conversation with Charles about the Monsignor.

Click the link to read the Monsignor’s “essay” from stage 8 of the 2014 Giro

Show #534 – December 26, 2020

Guests: Jamie Anderson; Sean Wilson

Happy boxing day – happy holidays – and I hope you are finding some time to relax!

We’ve got almost two feet of snow here in NE Ohio and it’s been just fine with me to take my time and put together what I think is a great show.

I want to start with asking if you have lived the life you want, following your dreams and finding the path that is satisfying and that feels right?

My first guest, Jamie Anderson, realized more than 20 years into a successful career with a wife he loved and three great kids, that HIS childhood dream hadn’t been fulfilled and, that it hadn’t diminished either.

His idol as a child was Greg LeMond – and, his circumstances pointed him away from a career as a professional cyclist into one of academics, teaching, and consulting. Our conversation is about what happened that lead him to that path not taken earlier in life and the message it offers all of us.

And, take a few minutes to listen to his Ted Talk!

You might remember that we spoke with Rob DeMartini, CEO of USA Cycling last week about the new Olympic Development Academy. This program is offered to those who are 16 and older.

But what about youngsters – those who are just starting to ride through the age where the ODA might be a place to move a talented rider towards and Olympic dream?

Sean Wilson has a lot of the answers to this question. He’s the founder and head coach at the Youth Cycling Association in Redlands, California. The YCA is a “national youth sports strategy champion,” and the first cycling organization to have the designation. 

Coming from a racing background through an extensive and storied academic career, he is able to take his science into his coaching and training to get kids safely and more skillfully riding on two wheels.

Sean is an associate professor at Loma Linda University and combining his pro-racing career, his work in the medical field, and an abiding interest in getting young children on bikes safely, he is looking to bridge the gap for children to excel in bicycling and look to making it a life-long sport.