Show #654 July 22, 2024

Guests: Leah Goldstein; Jim Sayer

Last time, we began our series on favorite bike trails with the Ohio to Erie Trail and today, we’ll be exploring the Mickelson Trail in South Dakota.

A couple of years ago, Jim Sayer, who was with the Adventure Cycling Association for many years, was riding cross country and stopped in to stay with Brian and me for a night.  We got to talking about the trip he was making.  He told us he would be taking in some of the Mickelson Trail in South Dakota on his way back to Montana. 

When several people mentioned the Mickelson Trail as one of their favorites, Brian remembered that Jim had traveled it and suggested I contact him. He was happy to share his thoughts about it.

Jim sure made the Mickelson Trail sound appetizing!  We have some photos of his time on the trail on our website, as well a link to the Mickelson Trail website.



My first guest is not new to the show either.  Leah Goldstein is arguably one of the most accomplished ultra-athletes I’ve ever had the honor to speak with. 

She was world kick boxing champion at the age of 17.  She was an undercover police officer in the Israeli army, she is a national cycling champion, and recently, she completed the grueling 4,000+ mile self-supported Trans Am road race .

The last time we spoke with Leah, she had just completed RAAM – winning the event overall.  I thought that was crazy then! But, the Trans Am race is another level all together and today’s conversation covers the gamut from weather and equipment to wildlife and aspirations.

I want to preface the second part of my conversation with Leah with a comment. Back in February, Leah was to have given one of her amazing motivational keynote talks to the Inspire’s International Women’s Day Event. Then, she was suddenly dis-invited.  The reasons given and the behind-the-scenes truths were completely different.  Regardless of how you feel about the war in the Middle East, what Leah experienced was both uncalled for and clearly antisemitic.

You can follow Leah on her website  We also have a few photos of her during the Trans Am event – since that was all the support she was allowed – someone taking a photo – as well as a link to a short video of Leah on course during the race.  You can find them on our website,

Before signing off today, I must bow down to this year’s Tour de France.  In addition to it being one of the most interesting and exciting editions of the race, it was truly inspiring to see riders such as Biniam Grimay and Remco Evenepoel become super stars. And I’m beginning to think Tadej Pogocar might just break some long held records many thought would never be broken.  Can you say Eddy Merckx?

As for the Tour,  Joe Lindsey joins me next time to wrap-up this year’s Tour, chat about the remainder of the cycling race season, and we’ll preview the Olympics too.

We’ll also be continuing our series on favorite trail with the Empire State Trail in New York.

Transcript_July 22

Show #651 May 28, 2024

Guests: Carla Francome; Dave Wilkinson

I’m not sure how I ended up with two guests who exhibit almost identical traits – they’re gutsy, funny, and passionate about everything they do.

And yet, they are completely different from one another.

Guest #1 is Carla Francome.  She lives, works, and rides in London.  She’s a TV producer and a cycling advocate extraordinaire. I discovered her on Twitter (X) and just knew she’d be a great guest. 

We chatted about so many things from the work she has done in television to her experience of trying clipless pedals for the first time.

Carla is also a bicycle campaigner – especially for women. 

When she found her work as a TV producer coming to a screeching halt, mainly due to the writer’s strike, she transitioned to a new industry taking her amazing ability for storytelling with her all the while raising two kids and riding – riding her bike in central London, which has been transformed from a crowded car-centric city to a place where riding your bike is commonplace.

As you will hear, she’s enthusiastic, funny, and gutsy!

Since our conversation, she did in fact complete her 100 mile century ride – in clipless pedals I might add.  And, Sadiq Khan was reelected Mayor of London, so more good things for cycling should be coming to the City.  Follow Carla on Twitter (X) @carlafrancome. 

Then, Guest #2 actually contacted me several months ago to let me know he is about to embark on RAAM.  His “handle” is speedy turtle, so that’s the first thing that caught my attention.  Then, I come to find out he is blind and has been blind since birth.

Apparently though, nothing stops Dave Wilkinson – not rain, nor snow, nor crashes – in fact, any challenge that would seem daunting to me is a “let’s have it” from him.

RAAM is a team effort and Dave Wilkinson makes it abundantly clear how true that is.

He’s completed marathons – his first when he was 40, as well as Ironman triathlons.  He is a skier and apparently, he’s pretty fearless because Dave was born blind. 

Clearly, that has never stopped him and not only is his goal is to complete RAAM as the first solo blind rider, but he intends to do it in under 11 days.

Why is his handle Speedy Turtle? Let’s ask him.

I have NO doubt that he will complete RAAM and wish him and his Captain, Jim Trout a speedy sub-11 day ride!   You can follow them on the RAAM site, once the race is underway or at

Show #651_Transcript

Show #562 – July 3, 2021

Guests: Leah Goldstein; Russell Newell

Well, this week saw some really cool things happen… Mark Cavendish winning some Tour de France stages, some impressive athletes in many disciplines ready to head to Tokyo for the Olympics, and a record breaker for the ages!

RAAM rider, Leah Goldstein crossed the finish line in Annapolis, MD in 11 days, 3 hours, and 3 minutes – ahead of EVERYONE ELSE!      Walking the last kilometer because she had nothing left, supported by her amazing crew, this endurance athlete says she’s not done yet.

So, who is Leah Goldstein?  Her storied career in sports started at the age of 9 and at 17 she became the world’s champion kickboxer.

While serving in the Israel Defense Forces she was introduced to the duathlon and between her love of the bike and her love of endurance sport – Leah, now 52, has become the first woman to win what is arguably the world’s toughest endurance event – Race Across America.

I knew there would be cameras and journalists and television and radio all wanting to talk with Leah, so I hurried up the moment I heard and sent a message to her crew chief, Lori Moger, and she set up our conversation – which you’ll hear in a moment!

Then, in a different kind of endurance event, we meet Russell Newell

Russell, who has been a speech writer for some luminaries in D.C. as well as working for Disney as director of executive communications, and is currently working for United Health Care, is presently living in the D.C. area with his wife and 4 children.

His good buddy, Jim Kane, challenged him to race an Ironman event in 2012.  And, Russell, who would apparently jump off a bridge if his friends did it said – okay.

Out of that race – and more Ironman events since – has come his book, Irondad Life – A Year of Bad Decisions and Questionable Motives – What I Learned on the Quest to Conquer Ironman Lake Placid.

The book is filled with hilarity, a little profanity, and a lot of great stories

THIS is show #305! – July 23, 2016

This week’s show was supposed to be a bit different from what is actually is going to be. Along with our guests, I was going to talk with you about a short self-supported bike trip Brian and I took last week; but, when I woke up Thursday morning it was to the news that one of my colleagues, the curator of MOMBAT  – (Museum of Mountain Bike Art and Technology) and one of the nicest guys you’d ever want to me was hit and killed while crossing the street in his home town of Statesville, N.C.

Jeff Archer was one of the really good guys – smart, savvy, and a valued part of the NAHBS judging team that year on year chooses the “best of show” in all categories.  He owned First Flight Bicycles and was just inducted into the

.Our hearts are broken and we send our deepest condolences to his wife and family.

So, while we have a great LIVE guest – in fact he was right here in studio over the weekend – we will also be airing my conversation with Jeff Archer from December of 2012.

First however, is a return guest – also named Jeff. Jeff Mapes was in town, this time to cover the RNC for Oregon Public Broadcasting as its senior political reporter.

Previously, Jeff covered state and national politics for The Oregonian for nearly 32 years. He has covered numerous presidential, congressional, gubernatorial, legislative and ballot measures, as well as many sessions of the Legislature, stretching back to 1985.

An avid bike commuter, as well as a RAAM rider, Jeff is the author of the 2009 book, “Pedaling Revolution: How Cyclists are Changing American Cities.”

Our conversation runs the gamut from what’s happening in Oregon to how self-driving cars might change the way bicycles and cars interact.

Listen in and, please stay safe out there!

Show #152 – July 20, 2013



Here in the U.S., we need to take a mental photograph of this week and its beastly hot weather, so we can pull it out in six or eight months when we’re bitching and moaning about freezing temperatures and snow-covered roads. In the meantime, chill out with a new episode of The Outspoken Cyclist.

The name Travis Tygart is one that gained a lot of notoriety during 2012’s L’Affaire Armstrong. As CEO of USADA, Tygart led the investigation that produced the now-famous reasoned decision, outing many pro cyclists as having cheated in sport. Find out more as Diane talks with Tygart about why USADA exists, and how it goes about policing cycling and other sports.

Earlier this summer, we were glued to Tractalis following the Race Across America, including Cassie Schumacher, a woman from our own backyard, who in 2013 became the first female solo RAAM finisher from Ohio. This week we are honored to have both Cassie and six-time RAAM winner Seana Hogan on the show to share their thoughts and experiences on ultra-distance cycling.

Show #132 – March 2, 2013


NAHBS wasn’t the only game in town last weekend. While the framebuilders were busy depleting Denver’s strategic beer reserve, a group of cycling advocates and educators were huddled in Orlando, Florida, for the first-ever I Am Traffic colloquium. On this week’s TOC, one of the prime movers behind I Am Traffic, Dan Gutierrez talks about his work as a cycling educator and advocate, and fills us in on the colloquium.

From the practical to what some would say is the extreme, in the second half of the show Diane welcomes solo RAAM finisher Dex Tooke and his wife and crew chief Joni Tooke. Dex and Joni hail from Del Rio, Texas, and in addition to being a 60-some-year-old ultra-distance racer, Dex has written a book about RAAM, entitled Unfinished Business.  And, while it’s true that Dex was the one turning the pedals for 3,000 miles to complete RAAM, read a bit of his book and you’ll see that it never would have happened without Joni’s fanatical planning and discipline. Dex & Joni also directs  32-hour race in west Texas called No Country for Old Men.

Show #94 – June 16, 2012

Next week, I will be reporting from Press Camp in Park City, Utah. So this week I catch up with Press Camp organizer Chris Zigmont to give you a bit of insight into the event from the organizer’s perspective.

After some news and a mini-rant from Greg, we get down to business with master mechanic Merlyn Townley. Merlyn has been a neutral support and team race mechanic for over 2o years. He also builds some of the most beautiful and durable custom wheels you’ll ever ride. Check out his shop online at Merlyn Mechanics.

Finally, follow our favorite RAAM racers, Cassie Schumacher/Wheels 4 Change, and Andre Husain/Team Hope at

Show #86 – April 21, 2012

Loss, hope, innovation, and celebration are the themes of today’s show. We begin by mourning the untimely death of paracyclist Matt Bradley, who was a guest on The Outspoken Cyclist last September. We send our condolences to his family and many friends in Utah; we were fortunate to have encountered him during his too-short life.

Next, we happened to catch renowned racer and coach Jock Boyer during one of his rare visits to the United States. Jock was the first American to race the Tour de France, and won RAAM twice. These days, he concentrates his energies on Team Rwanda, which has produced the Rwandan National Cycling Team, along with a lot of hope for the people of Rwanda.

After the break, Renold Yip of YiPsan Bicycles joins us from Fort Collins, Colorado, where he builds custom bikes, with a special emphasis on city bikes and proper fit. His innovative designs have won awards at the 2010 NAHBS.

And we wrap up with news of an upcoming celebration of all things bicycle-related in New York City. Joanna Virello took time to chat as she gets ready to open the 2nd annual New Amsterdam Bike Show, April 28th and 29th. “Bigger, Better, and Bikier” than last year’s show, the whole affair sounds like a ton of fun. Highly recommended if you’re anywhere near NYC on those dates.

Show #73 – January 14, 2012

Occasionally, all the factors come together to produce something that exceeds our wildest expectations. One of those occasions is today, and the factors are Diane, and our two guests. And the irony is, that while one of our guests does ride a bike, neither of them are what you’d think of when we say the word “cyclist”.

First we are happy to welcome Stephen Auerbach, the producer and director of the film Bicycle Dreams, which chronicles the solo competitors in the 2005 Race Across America (RAAM). Stephen talks about why he wanted to make a feature-length film about RAAM, the innovative way the film was shot, and how it’s taken on a life of its own with thousands of local screenings, including one on January 26th at the Big Dog Theater in Conventry.

In the second half of the hour, we head over to Boston, Massachusetts, and Dr. Anne Lusk, of the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Lusk has been researching the relationship between public health and transportation for over thirty years. She also worked on some of the first bicycle infrastructure in the U. S., and is a strong advocate for European-style cycle tracks as a solution for both health and transportation. Far from being a dry academic, Dr. Lusk is a bundle of both facts and energy, who walks to work instead of riding because she “knows too much science.”

So interesting, and packed with information, you might have to listen twice!