Show #523 – October 10, 2020

Guests: Lynette Toepfer; Zapata “Zap” Espinoza

We’ve been talking a lot about the plight of the bike industry – lack of product, backed up service departments, and the need for new protocols due to the pandemic.

To help explain how all of the is affecting our US manufacturing, I contacted White Industries in Petaluma, California. White Industries is a family owned business manufacturing hubs, cranks, bottom brackets, headsets, and more .

Since no titles are used at White, I’ll just say that I spoke with Lynnette Toepfer to find out how COVID-19 has affected the company, how their supply chain is doing, and what they are forecasting for 2021. Oh, and then there are the California fires.

Then, as promised TWO weeks ago, Zapata Espinoza, editor-in-chief of Road Bike Action and mountain bike hall of famer – yes, those seem diametrically opposed and they are not – joins me for a terrific conversation.

If you’re entry into bicycling came at a young age – say 8 or 9 – and you loved your BMX bike, then you graduated to either motocross or mountain biking, you know what Zapata Espinoza means when he says he’s “that” kind of guy – the one who loves the thrill of the competition on two wheels.

What Zap didn’t know was how the mountain bike craze would change his life – from a law degree that never materialized to editor-in-chief of several bike magazines.

Today, he’s the editor in chief of Road Bike Action and a member of the mountain bike hall of fame.

Show #522 – October 3, 2020

Guests: Matt Bretoi & Chris Posch; Micah Rice; Devah D

My first conversation this week is about a technical solution to a problem many, if not most of us have experienced when riding in urban and suburban areas… coming up to an intersection and NOT being able to trip the light!

Last week, Bike Portland posted an article about thermal video detection of bike riders at traffic signals and I said… I gotta’ learn about THIS!

The company FLIR Systems, Inc. isn’t new to thermal imaging – in fact, the company has been around since 1978. And, through a series of acquisitions coupled with emerging technologies, is doing some really fascinating work to bring a safer experience to VRU’s – Vulnerable Road Users. Their work also crosses into the automobile and coupled with AEB, can make the driver side of transportation a lot safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

FLIR’S Matt Bretoi and Chris Posch will explain how the systems work and what we might expect our intersections to look like as these systems come on line.

As we have watched bike racing slowly come back, The Pikes Peak APEX race presented by RockShox managed to put on a 4-day stage race that offered great prize money, attract a terrific field of riders, and keep everyone safe!

Executive director, Micah Rice, walks us through that event and offers a guide to other race directors looking for ways to establish safety protocols in this time of COVID.

Lastly, I have a terrific conversation with Devah D of Devah D Cycling, right here in Cleveland. Devah D, whose given name is Diana – and no one calls her that! played women’s semi-pro football for many years. YES YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT!

When injuries sidelined her and her son was young, she decided to hang up those cleats for a pair of cycling shoes. Coming from absolutely ZERO knowledge about bicycling, she’s built a huge following for her rides, clinics, and her not your average slow rolls in and around Cleveland.

She’s also immersed in the Black Girls Do Bike organization – Cleveland being one of over 90 chapters in the U.S. and gives us some brilliant insight into why it matters that Black Girls DO Bike.

It’s a full plate today, so let’s get to it.

Show #521 – September 26, 2020

Guests: Jen Malik; Tobie DePauw; Lauren Hefferon

Sometimes you meet someone – even just in a phone call – and the enthusiasm and excitement for the work she is doing just jumps right out through the phone.

Jen Malik – Dr. Jen Malik as she is a PhD in biomedical engineering at THE Ohio State University where she is a post-doc fellow full time – also races cyclocross professionally, has taken on the task of bringing the first NICA league in Ohio, is on the board of the Central Ohio Mountain Biking Association, and loves to garden and paint.

For those in Chicago and surrounding areas – and, perhaps even those who might just want to get yourself TO Chicago sometime during the month of October, People for Bikes along with the Chicago Race Riot project, SRAM, The Newberry Library, and a slew of other great sponsors, all come together to ride a historic route and raise funds to benefit the Blackstone Bicycle Works.

As demonstrations and riots rock so many of our cities, this quiet and historic ride winds through the Bronzeville and Bridgeport neighborhoods, stopping at key historical sites relevant to the riot and the events that lead up to it.

And, there is an audio clip you can download and listen to a brief description of each of the stops along the way. Tobie DePauw, Ride Spot Affiliate Manager will be with me to explain it all.

And, lastly, we speak with Lauren Hefferon owner and founder of Ciclismo Classico. The company, long known for exquisite European Bicycle Tours, has brought it home for two fall tours out of Keene, NH.

Finally, I’d like to mention Chloe Dygert – the world champion cyclist. In her race to defend her world time trial title, she lost control of her bike in a turn and hit a barrier that apparently didn’t have any padding- resulting in a serious leg injury.

Chloe was airlifted to a hospital in Italy where she was treated and underwent surgery. Fortunately, she is expected to make a full recovery. Her coach, Kristen Armstrong. was quoted as saying, “Chloe Dygert’s crash is devastating but she will come back stronger.”

Sending healing thoughts to Chloe! And, wondering why the barrier padding ended before the barriers did… to be continued I’m sure.

Show #520 – September 19, 2020

Guests: Jock Boyer; Cameron Chinotti; Ray George

This past week, several articles were published about Kevin Reza. Kevin is a French cyclist who rides for B&B Vital Concept, a French team. He is a 10 year veteran of the peloton and, he is Black.

The lack of diversity in the pro cycling world has long been a topic – mostly quietly. Now, Kevin has decided to speak up about Black Lives Matter and about an experience he had with racism.

To get some broader understanding of not only the lack of diversity in cycling, but also some perspective on what changes might be in the future, I decided to contact Jock Boyer.

As an ex-pro he understands the sport. As the founder of Team Africa Rising, he has an unique perspective that I hadn’t heard or thought about until now. I think you will appreciate it.

Then, you’ll meet Cameron Chinotti. She’s the Director of Education & Stages Cloud technologies for Stages Indoor Cycling.

Most people think of Stages as the “power crank arm people;” but, there’s a whole lot more to the company and what it does, including making indoor smart bikes, developing its own platform to deliver many types of recreational activities – not limited to cycling – and then there’s the SPARK event coming up for the month of October to raise funds for World Bicycle Relief.

Finally, I talk with Ray George, the founder of Ohio Gravel It’s a web site, based out of Columbus, Ohio and it is chock full of great content for any “gravel type” riding – from exploring routes through the Ride with GPS app to events that are still on the books for 2020.

Show #519 – September 12, 2020

Guests: Dan Rice; Andrew “Bernie” Bernstein

Sometimes our best stories and resources are found right in our own backyard… and, for those of you who know and frequent the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath, you know what I mean. For those who don’t, you’re in for a treat.

The Ohio & Erie Canalway is a National Heritage Area designated by Congress in 1996 to help preserve and celebrate the rails, trails, landscapes, towns and sites that grew up along the first 110 miles of the canal that helped America and our nation grow. Annually, more than 2.5 million Americans find their way to the iconic 87-mile Towpath Trail running through the heart of the Canalway.

Today, I speak with Dan Rice, the President and CEO of the Ohio and Erie Canalway Coalition. We chat about the history of the Ohio & Erie Canal, how the Canalway is coping with the pandemic, and when our beautiful Scenic Railroad will once again being chugging along between Cleveland and Akron.

{photo courtesy of Gloria Liu)

My second guest is a survivor of the worst kind of crash – the one we all hope we never, ever have to experience.

Last July, Andrew “Bernie” Bernstein was on his way home from the Boulder Valley Velodrome when he was hit by a cargo van, thrown into a ditch, and left to die.

He was found by someone who, interestingly enough, had also been hit in the past and who stayed with him until he could be transported to what would be one of several hospitals as his long and arduous recovery would begin.

Now, over a year later, Bernie is still in physical therapy 6-8 times a week. The extent of the damage to his body was unimaginable to most of us.

And yet, that is NOT what Bernie, as he is known my most everyone, wants to talk about today – it’s about safe driving and what he wants you to know, hear, and heed.

As an addendum, Bernie Bernstein was actually just featured in the Washington Post on September 4th, in an article about how people are coping with pain and rehabilitation during the pandemic without the in-person contact one usually receives. It was sort of serendipitous that this article came out the same week he and I spoke.

Show #518 – September 5, 2020

Guests: Bill Sepe & Ron Brubaker; Alex Strickland; Craig Calfee

We have three outstanding guests this evening and we cover three very diverse topics.

I am always interested in new trails to explore – especially when they are right in our own backyard!

My first guests live in Hudson, Ohio, are both retired from their respective jobs, and have joined forces to help establish TASCForce – Trail Advocates of Summit County. Bill Sepe and Ron Brubaker have made it their mission to not only help promote trails in the area but are especially interested in developing a 12.5 mile trail from Hudson, Ohio to Akron – an area that is not too far from where we are in Cleveland.

9 times a year, editor-in-chief Alex Strickland from Adventure Cycling Assn. publishes Adventure Cyclist Magazine, one of the preeminent magazines in the bicycle world. From the stories that come in from all over the world to great product reviews, it’s always a great read. But, ACA is also well-known for its maps, guided tours, and events.

However, COVID being what it is – the ultimate in killing all the fun – ACA has had to make some hard decisions – cancelling guided tours, not allowing folks into the Missoula facility, and pretty much keeping the staff at a minimum. BUT, that doesn’t mean good things aren’t happening either.

Craig Calfee, owner and founder of Calfee Design, is arguably the Daddy of Carbon Fiber and always an entertaining and enlightening guest.

What I always find so interesting and endearing about Craig is his unabashed willingness to share what he does – for example, offering his DIY bamboo bicycle kit AND getting ready to upgrade it so more people can make more bikes – for others as well as themselves.

And, Craig always has some really interesting – if not unusual – projects on the drawing board – like his work with electric motorcycles. And, he’s also thinking about how to reach out to us when events such as NAHBS or the Philly Bike Expo have been cancelled for 2020.

Show #517 – August 29, 2020

Guests: John Stamstad; Steve Maxwell & Spencer Martin; book review with Gary Mikitin

We have two great guests today as well as a splendid book review of Dr. Stephen Fabes, Signs of Life.

My first guest is a mountain bike hall of famer, he holds long-distance records, and recently an Amazon Prime video –Into the Divide – was released commemorating his ride from Canada to Mexico 21 years ago. Billed as Man vs man, man vs nature, and man vs self,  rode the 2465 mile bike trail – because he loves pushing the extremes.

In fact, If it’s the longest, the most arduous, and, the most challenging – John Stamstad either has done it or wants to do it! And, with humility! He just doesn’t see how remarkable his feats of distance really are!

Once again, we check in with our friends at The Outer Line – Steve Maxwell and Spencer Martin. 

In this new era of COVID and with a compressed and shortened racing season underway, we discuss whether the riders need a union, what sponsors are feeling and doing, and what might bring new life to bike racing – especially in the U.S.

Finally, Gary Mikitin is back with his review of emergency physician, Dr. Stepehn Fabes’, new book, Signs of Life. Dr. Fabes travelled more than 53,000 miles, crossing 102 international borders by bicycle discovering how societies treat their most vulnerable in a thought provoking and witty medical odyssey.

Show #516 – August 22, 2020

Guests: Dr. John Loehner; David Goodrich

(Photo of Dr. Loehner courtesy of Demetrius A. Freeman)

We begin in The Bronx. Dr. John Loehner is an internist and the medical director of the Montefiore Medical Center Moses Campus in the Bronx. It’s a huge teaching facility and it was literally on the front lines of the pandemic, having almost every one of the 700 beds + most of the ICU occupied by COVID patients at the height of NY’s outbreak.

It isn’t too often that you meet someone who absolutely knows what he or she is going to be “when they grow up.” But, John Loehner started out as a pro bicycle racer knowing that, at the end of his racing career, medicine would be his next passion.

I discovered John through an article he wrote for Bicycling this month – “I’m A Frontline COVID Doctor: My Daily Rides Keep Me Sane,” and I tracked him down for a delightful and informative conversation.

Guest #2 this week is not new to The Outspoken Cyclist; but, it’s been a while since we spoke with him – in fact, it was June, 2017 when his first book, A Hole In the Wind, was published.

Not being a geologist or a climatologist, not even playing one on TV, little did I know that millions of years ago, there was an ocean in North America – or should I say, what we now know as North America. And, from that ocean comes oil – lots of it – and in more than one variety.

David Goodrich is the former head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate and Observations and Monitoring Program and served at the Director of the UN Global Observing System in Geneva, Switzerland.

Now, the retired climatologist offers up a new book – A Voyage Across an Ancient Ocean – traveling again by bicycle through the northern dominion of oil – from the tar sands of Canada to the Bakken oil formation in North Dakota.

It’s an incredible view of how oil – both boom and bust – has been and still is such a huge industry in the U.S.

Show #515 – August 15, 2020

Guests: Gabe Klein; Lucas Snaije

First, I’d like to congratulate my friend Jenn Dice. She recently took over the helm of People for Bikes as Tim Blumenthal retired after 16 years! Jenn, who was the COO is now President and CEO and hit the ground running and draws on her many years not only at PFB but as the fearless leader of IMBA before that. Nice to see another woman at the helm of a big bicycle organization!

Our show this week comes to you from Washington, DC and Amsterdam, Holland.

Gabe Klein, is a partner at Cityfi, an organization that facilitates and helps create positive, sustainable change for people and the economy – fast He is also the former commissioner of the Chicago and Washington DC departments of transportation.

Cognizant of so much of what is happening – from the effects of shutting down in the pandemic to what he thought the future would be in 2030 – much of what has suddenly transpired because of the pandemic – Gabe has thoughtful, interesting, and actionable ideas for all of us.

After our conversation with Gabe, we head to Amsterdam to speak with Lucas Snaije. Lucas is the communications and community manager for BYCS an Amsterdam-based social enterprise driven by the belief that bicycles transform cities and cities transform the world.

Last week, when we spoke with Matt Pinder up in Toronto, he mentioned the Bicycle Mayor program from BYCS and me, wanting to know more, contacted them.

Lucas and I dive into that program along with some of the other work the organization does.

Show #514 – August 8, 2020

Guests: Matt Pinder, Larry Silver, Lucy Diaz

We have a rather nice variety of topics and guests this evening, so let’s get right to it.

With the perhaps self-imposed mandate – depending upon where you live of course – of staying home or going for a solo ride, maybe you’ve run out of good television to watch or books to read – hmmm – highly unlikely; but, you’ll get my point.

How about a good story? Or, how about an hour of good stories? Akin to the “Moth Radio Hour” format, comes Bike Minds.

Back in May, we spoke with Matt Pinder up in Toronto. He’s the guy who writes the Beyond the Automobile blog and is a Senior Designer at Alta Planning. Welll – he has another gig and you are invited to the party.

Next week, you can tune in to his first virtual edition of Bike Minds Bikes + Fate – a storytelling event featuring positive and inspiring stories related to cycling. In this episode, there will be several stories from folks all across Canada.

Then, we meet a “colleague”: of mine – Larry Silver. So, I actually just “met” him in a virtual meeting of the East Coast Greenway advisory board. Larry lives in Philadelphia but he’s from Cleveland. I’m from Philadelphia and I live in Cleveland. Coincidence? I think not! But, that’s not important anyway. He’s the Chairman of the ECG Board and has a long history of bicycling, environmental causes, and he’s a practicing attorney.

Finally, we head to Colorado to chat with Lucy Diaz. She’s the CEO of RPM Events which run the Colorado Classic. With heavy heart, she pulled the plug on the event this year; but, in an incredibly magnanimous gesture, she’s made the Covid 19 Mitigation Plan, which covers A-Z when it comes to being able to run a live event in the “time of Covid.” available to anyone who might want to read it, study it, take the enormous amount of work that went into it, and make it their own.