Show #613 – October 4, 2022

Guest: Andy Boenau

I want to begin with a question.

How many times have you stood at or ridden up to an intersection and waited – and waited – and waited, for the light to change or for the traffic to clear, or just to feel safe enough to actually make it across?

If you answered even once – let alone the multiple times most of us have been unable to trip a light or waited in the rain – you’re going to want to hear what Andy Boneau has to say.

Andy is a planner, except he’s not.  He’s a transportation engineer, except not really.

What Andy is is a storyteller and an observer of people, places, and the many ways that they don’t get along.  But, Andy is also a believer in positive outcomes and his unique – and almost always happy and positive – outlook gets things done.

Example – multimodal balance… what is it?  When Andy breaks it down, there’s a truth that isn’t often expressed… there isn’t any.

Or, how about an easy way to get from point a to point b on one app with several different modes – say bikeshare, shuttle, and then maybe walk the last few blocks? How can we accomplish THAT?

Andy writes about all the observations and ideas he has at Urbanism Speakeasy on Substack.  Our conversation today is just a smattering of these ideas.

What a great conversation… You can follow Andy at – his podcast and written blog entries are fascinating and full of great information and ideas.

Next time on TOC, we’ll get an update from Russian frame builder Dmytri Nechaev.  Last time we spoke, he was on his way to Israel to escape what was becoming the protracted war still raging in Ukraine.

Now 7 months later, we’ll learn what has transpired with him, his crew that was still in Russia, and what the future holds.

Show #612 – September 21, 2022

Guests: Jonathan Maus; Will Tracy

On this episode, I’m going to introduce you to a young cycling journalist whose professional journey began in college.

One thing that he says at the beginning of our conversation struck me as SO true – that unless your parents, or someone close to you, shows you the way, getting into the sport of bicycle racing is not very easy.

Nonetheless, Will Tracy did do some bike racing but found that reporting on and photographing the sport was much more rewarding for him.

I discovered Will when he penned a piece about a fight between two teams that ended up with suspensions from racing.  And, I was surprised, because I don’t think of cycling as a hand-to-hand combat sport.

To begin however, we bring Jonathan Maus, editor and publisher of Bike Portland, back to TOC for a conversation about a topic that I didn’t even know was a “thing.”

Here in the Cleveland area, I am not aware of huge homeless encampments.  I am, of course aware that we have a homeless population, but it’s difficult for me to comprehend large encampments with tents, walls, and piles and piles of bikes and parts.

Which brings me to the topic – homelessness and bike theft.  Apparently, that’s a thing too and Los Angeles has even gone so far as to enact legislation to deal with the issue.

Jonathan wrote about homelessness and bike theft and the new legislation in LA for Bike Portland back in June.  But it turns out that he’s been aware of the issue – in Portland – and has been involved with helping to sort out the theft from what might just be transportation or recreation.

We talk about a few other topics too and in the second half of our conversation… well, you’ll just have to listen because there are some things happening in Portland that I don’t think are happening anywhere else – such as the “Carry Shit Olympics.”  Yep you heard that right!

(photo of Jonathan taken by Eleni Maus)

Show #611 – September 8, 2022

Guests: Melissa & Chris Bruntlett

Welcome!  You are about to listen to episode #611 and, coincidentally, it is also the 12th anniversary of the show.  Thank you for tuning in today.

Looking back over the past 12 years, so much has changed, from the scarcity of podcasts in 2010 to a whopping estimated 2.4 million different shows today – a statistic I took from Apple’s Pod News – to the many changes in our everyday lives from the climate to the pandemic and al the social unrest we are experiencing.

One thing that has been consistent though is that people still ride and love their bicycles and THAT makes the Outspoken Cyclist herself pretty dang happy.

I would like to thank everyone who has listened, subscribed, been a guest, and otherwise contributed to the show over the past 2+ decades.

Every time I thought, hey – I think I’ve covered it all and maybe it’s time to move on – I am inspired by something I read, something I see, or something I hear and, off I go in search of the story.

Which brings us to today’s episode.

As many of you have figured out by now – which wouldn’t take a rocket surgeon if you listen regularly – I like the thread that weaves urban planning, sustainability, and a car-free lifestyle together.  It doesn’t happen to be the way we live right now, but it’s certainly an idea that intrigues us and a goal that we have.

So, when I learned of a family that chucked their car, researched the places where they can live, work, and raise their family without miles and miles of asphalt and traffic, and then turn that into the work that they do, it only took a minute to send them an invite to the show.

Melissa and Chris Bruntlett are from Canada – she started out in the fashion world and he in architecture – they moved from the east coast to Vancouver and realized they didn’t need a car.  By this time, they had two young children.  And then, things started to get very interesting.

Today, the Bruntlett’s live in the Netherlands – and they are calling it their forever home.

For more information about their work, you can log on to modacitylife .com and follow them on all the social media platforms.  You can also purchase their books from Island Press or your favorite book emporium.

Show #610 – September 1, 2022

Guest: Carlton Reid on Mike Burrows

On August 15th, the world lost yet another genius bicycle engineer.

Although he was almost better known for his work with HPV’s – human powered vehicles that were recumbent bikes, Mike Burrows was probably best known as the man who designed and built the Lotus track frame that Chris Boardman would ride to Olympic gold in the 4000 pursuit in Barcelona in 1992.

Sadly, Mike and I never connected for a conversation, so I decided to go to someone who knew him well.

Carlton Reid, who is a journalist in the UK and ho writes for Forbes, The Guardian, and the Daily Mail, has been my guest several times and today, we reminisce about his relationship with Mike Burrows going all the way to the 1980’s.

To see more of Carlton’s work, you can go to and follow him on Twitter @carltonreid.

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Carlton.  I truly am saddened that I wasn’t able to speak with Mike before his passing. RIP.

Just a quick note to let you know that I was on the other side of the microphone this week when Dan Cavallari, the slow guy on the fast ride, interviewed me for HIS podcast.  Take a listen!

Show #609 – August 19, 2022

GUESTS: Mike Kone; Emily Thornton; Sergio Bravo

It’s amazing that just a few months ago I was wondering where I would get fresh material for the podcast and now, I can barely keep up with all the news, events, legislation, and people who are doing amazing things!

Today, it’s a three-fer!

We mentioned Classic Bicycles Auburn on the last episode and, I wanted to get more information for you as it’s coming up soon.

Mike Kone, the producer of the show, joins me to talk about the venue – an art deco hall in the Cord Duesenberg Museum in Auburn, Indiana – the seminars – with people like frame builders Stephen Bilenky and Doug Fattic – and even a gentleman who does classic car restoration – who will be speaking about the process and how it relates to bicycles.  There are rides, a swap meet, and more.

If you live in a city with at least 500,000 people, you would have been considered for the Arris Composites’ America’s Best Biking Cities list.  I know you’re wondering who landed where… here’s Arris’ spokesperson, Emily Thornton to fill us in.

Emily Thornton is the spokesperson on behalf of Arris Composites.  The company sounds like a really interesting place to work – except I’m not looking for another job!  Anyway, you can check out the list of American’s Best Biking Cities at


September 6th through the 9th there is a new bicycle gathering in Bentonville, Arkansas.  Cycle of Influence is the creation of Sergio Bravo and he’s put together a concept that should result in some innovative and ready-to-implement ideas for bike shops, advocates, and as he says “anyone who wants to see success for the bike industry.”

That would be most of us!

Show #608 – August 11, 2022

Guests: Heather Dowd; Josh Poertner

Want to tour Italy?  Want to tour Italy and learn about the culture, the food, the wine, and some of the areas many tour companies don’t visit?

Heather Dowd, who along with her husband Beppe Salerno, own and operate Tourissimo – an “Italy Only” tour company that is both innovative and culture-rich, was recently featured in Forbes Magazine in an article that delved into women who own companies such as hers.

We’ll explore Tourissimo’s tour options, how Heather thinks about women and cycling, and a lot more when she joins me in a moment.

Then, we’ll speak with Josh Poertner.  Josh is the owner of Silca – yep that iconic company that makes the Silca pumps and now, a whole lot more.

Cycling Tips did an interview with Josh about what is becoming a nightmare to small businesses like his – counterfeit goods, fraud, and theft – and the new rules he had to implement in regard to returns – thousands of dollars of often fraudulent returns!

In a conversation that runs the gamut from what Silca has had to do to cope with fraud, counterfeit product, and outright theft to the future of the independent bike shop and how brands like Silca will fare as the industry continues to consolidate, Josh Poertner has some deep understanding and an ability to make it clear to anyone listening.

At mid-show, I mention two interesting events that are coming up.

First,  Classic Bicycles Auburn is a celebration of vintage lightweight bicycles that will be held at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum August 26th to the 28th.  You can register for all three days or a-la-carte for any of the many options including the exhibits, the swap-meet, and the rides that are being offered each day.  For more information, log on to

And if you can’t get to Indiana for the Classic Bicycles Auburn event, how about going to Pittsburgh for what is one of the oldest and most respected rides in the U.S.?  Pedal Pittsburgh started way back in 1994 and is the largest ride in Pennsylvania. This year, the date is August 28th and you can register for the event at

Show #607 – August 3, 2022

Guests: Gary Fisher; Buzzy Cohn

He’s funny, irreverent, and now he’s FREE to be himself – 100% of the time.

Gary Fisher, whose 29-year relationship with Trek ended this year, is on a tear.

And now that Gary Fisher is free to be himself – no more Gary and Pony shows with Trek as brand ambassador – he’s finding a lot of interest in people wanting to collaborate on any of a number of projects.

Recently back from Eurobike in Germany, I rang him up and we just started chatting… talking about everything from hydroforming to motors and transmissions and 3D printing and of course his book – Being Gary Fisher. And, being Gary Fisher has been a lifelong pursuit of bikes and all things bike related.


If you’ve ever had to file a claim on your homeowner’s policy for anything beyond a catastrophic occurrence, you may have found that either a. your deductible was outrageous and/or b. your insurance would be either cancelled or the rates would skyrocket.

Victim of a nasty bike crash a few years ago, Buzzy Cohn learned that his “comprehensive” homeowner’s insurance wasn’t so comprehensive.  What he found out led him on a quest that has produced a brand-new insurance product exclusively for your bicycles.

So, what’s a cyclist to do?  Let’s ask CEO of bikeinsure, Buzzy Cohn.  He has some answers.

Show #606 – July 20, 2022

Guests: Bill Nesper; Dan Cavallari

Today, the question is – What is possible by bike?

With a new infrastructure bill, money in the coffers to build protected bike lanes and connect them, and more people riding eBikes, a whole lot more than we’ve ever experienced is possible.

My first conversation is with Bill Nesper, the executive director of the League of American Bicyclists.

Headquartered in Washington, DC, the League is our action committee on the ground to whisper in the ears of Congress about getting bicycle deals done. Bill and I talk about an urgent action alert to stop the defunding of the DOT – wait, what? Who would want to defund a program that is already appropriated?  My guess is you can guess who.

Then, don’t forget to go to and sign-up for the League’s e-newsletter to get your action alerts and other Bike League news and information.  And, join the Drive Less_Bike More Challenge!

In the second half of the show, I want to introduce you to Dan Cavallari, the Slow Guy on the Fast Ride.

Dan was tech editor for Velo News for 6 years and now out on his own, he’s writing, riding, podcasting, playing guitar, and sipping good whiskey – he’s got a lot of cool things going.

For this year’s Tour de France, Dan Cavallari thought he’d try something different from what he’d done in the past.

Usually traveling with the rest of the journalists, Dan flew himself AND his trusty Merlin Road bike over to Copenhagen to “follow the tour” for a few stages.

He quickly figured out that, a. you don’t need a fancy road bike in Copenhagen, and he got most of the work he wanted to do done in the first five days.  Then, he flew back to the States to follow the Tour from home.

I caught up with him on Day 11 of the race and, if you have been watching, you know THAT was the day… the very day of the most exciting stage in YEARS!  (If you haven’t been watching, Dan says you need to at least see Stage 11.)

Show #605 – July 9, 2022

Guest: Peter Nye

The history of American Bike Racing is actually long, storied, and full of amazing characters.

Peter Nye, who has probably forgotten more than any of us might ever have known about that history – except, I’m not certain he’s ever really forgotten any of it –is a veritable encyclopedia of facts and great stories about the sport.

For example, our conversation starts out with the little-known fact that there was an American Olympian – Art Longsjo – who competed in both the 1956 Winter AND Summer Olympics.

And, in 1985, when Greg LeMond was heading for the TdF – Peter knew that someone who had the wherewithal to win once, could win multiple times.

As our conversation unfolds, we look at the history of bicycles and bike racing from Peter’s unique first-person perspective.

Heart of Lions, The History of American Bicycle Racing is one of those books hat not only gives you the colorful story of our sport in the U.S. but also serves to offer you a reference guide to so many aspects of US bike racing.


On our next episode I’ll be speaking with blogger and former tech editor for Velo News, Dan Cavallari.  He’s also Mr. Slow Guy On The Fast Ride and is just back from France where he had a close-up and personal view of the first few stages of the Tour de France.  We’ll get his perspective and maybe even some predictions about the race.



Show #604 – June 27, 2022

Guests: Laurens Winkel; Glenn Frommer

This week, we are going to talk about sailing – and biking – and river cruising – and biking… with Boat Bike Tours.

Unlike a lot of European tours, Boat Bike Tours emphasizes the boat as well as the bike, giving you 4 basic options for the type of tour you might want.  You can download one or more of a series of Ebooks that offer stories and inspiration.  And, in their effort to be the most socially conscious of businesses, there is an entire section on sustainability and what BoatBikeTours does to work towards that.

In the second half of the show, we speak with Glenn Frommer.  Glenn was home for a short break before heading out again to pick up the remainder of his 5300-mile cross country adventure – Ride For PKD.

It’s hereditary, there is no cure, and you will end up on dialysis and the kidney transplant list if you have PKD.  Hoping for new technologies and breakthroughs, Glenn Frommer isn’t waiting around – he’s immersed in knowing all about his disease and struck out to raise money as well as awareness, riding from California to Massachusetts this summer.

To date, and with 3100 miles to go, he’s almost met his goal – so, I told him to up it!