Show #365 – September 16, 2017

Guests: Eric Weis; Dave Dean; Len Gee: Matthew Crompton

Late last month, Brian and I received a message on FaceBook from Matthew Crompton, an Ohioan now living in Australia. He just completed a 5000km ride across Central Asia and, since he’s home visiting his folks, and having his trusty steed serviced, I thought I’d snag him and have a chat about living, working, and riding down under. Matt will be with me later in the show.

With The New England Builder’s Ball only one week away, I thought we could take a few minutes to catch up with show director Eric Weis – so he could slow down, take a breath, and give us any last minute updates before we all head out to Boston next weekend for the 7th annual NE Builder’s Ball.

We stay right there is Mass. to talk with one of the exhibitors who will be at the Builder’s Ball this year. Dave Dean is the inventor and maker of Sinewave products. When I first met Dave at NAHBS a few years ago, Sinewave was just making its debut; today, the company offers its original products – USB chargers that run from the generator power aboard your bike – to other add-ons including dynamos and hubs.

We’ll talk with Dave about his products, how he came to invent them, and what’s new since the last time I saw him.

Then it’s off to San Diego to talk with Len Gee, fundraising specialist with the EOD Warrior Foundation. If you don’t know what EOD stands for – as I didn’t until I delved in to the information about it – it’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal; and, just saying the words gave me chills There is an upside to this story however, including a series of cycling events to help those who tackle this dangerous and often deadly work.

After our break, I’ll introduce you to Matthew Crompton – who will be right here in studio with me.

Let’s get over to Boston and get this episode of the show rolling.

Show #364 – September 9, 2017

Guests: Scott Ogle; Michael O’Brien

It’s the 7th anniversary of The Outspoken Cyclist!  How time flies!!!

First up this week is a conversation with a 6-time Emmy award winning photographer, videographer, producer, and journalist.

Scott Ogle is not only all of that, he is hilarious! He and I discuss his work and some of the wild and whacky things that happen at a pro race like the Tour de France as well as some of his more eclectic ideas about cycling, food, and his lovely little dog Misha.

After our break, we head on out to New Jersey to speak with coach and motivational trainer Michael O’Brien.

I read and review a lot of books about cycling every year; and, this week I read the one we will discuss cover-to-cover in one sitting.

Michael suffered the ultimate – the nightmare that many of us cyclists hope will never happen to us – when we came in contact with an SUV head on while riding his bike in New Mexico in 2001.

Out of that crash, his subsequent months-long recovery, and his struggle to get back on two wheels, came his first book – “Shift“.

In exquisite and simple detail, Michael takes us from the day it happened, through his hospitalizations, surgeries, and rehab to his remarkable recovery.

Show #363 – September 2, 2017

Guest: Jan Heine

Many listeners have been eagerly awaiting the show this week; and, as promised, my guest is Mr. Bicycle Quarterly himself, Jan Heine.

For those who do not know him, I’ll run down a few facts:

He IS the editor and publisher at Bicycle Quarterly, which is celebrating its 15th year with the Autumn edition – #61. Even in this day of and instant and abundant news, every issue of BQ is eagerly awaited and devoured by its devoted fans. It is the only bicycle magazine that does not depend upon advertising, relying solely on its subscribers.

Out of his journalistic work has come the development of a bevy of products in the “Compass” store.

He is the one of the major forces behind the 650B tire revolution

Jan is a long distance cyclist who uses his adventures to develop and test new equipment

And, so much more!

There have countless articles, interviews, and conversation with and about Jan – I’m hoping you enjoy this one!

Show #362 – August 26, 2017

Guests: Patrice Martin; Richard Fries

This week, we take a trip up to Michigan to speak with the proprietor of the Hart House Bed and Breakfast that takes sustainability AND cyclists to heart. In fact, it’s IN Hart – Hart, Michigan.

Patrice Martin and her husband Allan did their due diligence before retiring and learned not only how to run a B&B, but how to attract cyclists as well as other outdoors people with their lovely bedroom spaces, their 3-course breakfasts, and the amenities they provide.

The B&B is located just three blocks from the Hart-Montague Bicycle Trail, Michigan’s first rail-trail.

Then, off to California where we catch up with the “man of many hats” Richard Fries. Richard is taking a couple of days to prepare for a Best Buddies ride before heading back home to Boston for a crazy fall season.

He’s the executive director of MassBike, the executive director and co-founder of the KMC Cross Fest, a fabulous race announcer, and has one of the best “bicycle minds” I know when it comes to just about any topic on the industry.

Richard and I have a lengthy conversation that covers the gamut from education for young people to the killer course for this year’s KMC Crossfest at the Thompson Speedway Motor Park in Thompson, Connecticut.

Show #361 – August 19, 2017

Guests: Niles Barnes; Kelly Bedford

My first guest is Niles Barnes. Niles is the Director of Greenway Programs for the East Coast Greenway and his background includes environmental management. He is particularly passionate about developing the physical trail of the Greenway as well as the potential it has to create a sustainable future that includes more healthy and prosperous local communities along the entire Eastern Seaboard.

This coming Thursday, August 24th, the ECG River Relay kicks off in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Greenway. According to the information on the web site, “For 10 weeks, we’ll be visiting communities along the East Coast Greenway and encouraging everyone to celebrate healthy watersheds, active living, and local culture. We start in Calais, Maine August 24 and end in Key West, Florida October 30.”

It’s a 3,000 mile party and you are invited! Niles will be filling us in on what will happen at each of the partner stops along the way and how you can get in on the activities and the fun.

Then,I welcome veteran frame builder Kelly Bedford.

Kelly lives and works in upstate NY. He spent 21 years with the Serotta frame building factory and now offers his own K Bedford Customs out of his own shop.

We’ll learn about his philosophy, his frames, and chat a bit about the time he spent with the Serotta team building such iconic bikes as the Seven-11 team machines.

So… let’s find out more about the ECG River Relay from Niles Barnes.

Show #360 – August 12, 2017

Guests: Brendan Leonard; Rob Myers

This week, our first guest is in Colorado. Brendan Leonard is the author of the blog Semi-Rad and was recently signed-on to Outside Magazine Online as a weekly contributor.

Brenda’s interests range far and wide and, along with his writing – including books, irreverent essays, his blog, and his weekly columns – is doing some video stuff just – well, because he can!

He’s a delightful young man with a lot on the ball.

Then, I welcome a good friend into the studio right here in NE Ohio. Rob Myers builds custom homes for a living; but, his background is very broad and his thinking goes very deep.

In 2015, he took the first FIDF (Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces) cycling tour in Israel and tonight gives us an in-depth view of the country, the people, the geography and geology of the land, and what’s it’s like to ride from the northern end of the country down to the Red Sea.

This year’s tour starts on October 20th!

It’s a fascinating and enlightening conversation!

Show #359 – August 5, 2017

Guests: Eric Weis; Jacques DeVore

The New England Builder’s Ball! Coming up next month – September 23rd to be exact – and, not only am I going to be there (booth 33 – stop by and visit!); but, today’s show gives you the highlights of the other exhibitors, the space – The Innovation & Design Center in Boston – and the sponsors.

Show manager Eric Weis, a fellow East Coast Greenway Alliance Board member, talks with me about the show and how to find out more.

Then, it’s an in-depth interview with coach and trainer Jacques DeVore. His new book, Maximum Overload for Cyclists, is just out from Rodale Press and his ideas about strength, weight training, diet, sleep, and more are the topics for today’s second interview.

Listen in – there’s a lot of learn!

Show #358 – July 29, 2017

Guests: Dan Wuori; Lauren Goss; Ben Sarrazin

This evening, we wrap up the Tour de France with my “man in the know” Dan Wuori. We talk about Chris Froome‘s 4th win, the decision to abandon the podium girls in the upcoming Vuelta de Espana and more.

Then multi-champion triathlete Lauren Goss and I talk about her racing career, her thoughts on how to be as successful as she si (she’s stood on the podium in every race this year,) and what she might do after retirement.

Then I have a great conversation with the founder of Yuba Cargo Bikes, Ben Sarrazin. We haven’t covered cargo bikes much; but, Ben’s company recently launched a new model (The Spicy Curry Bosch) and Ben and I talk about that as well as the industry and the future of the retail bicycle dealer.

Show #357 – July 22, 2017

Guests: Dr. Kristen Dieffenbach; Axie Navas, Steve Garro

We have a rather eclectic mix of conversations today ranging from a great interview with Assistant Professor Kristen Dieffenbach from W. Va. State University about how you can avoid some of the pitfalls of self-sabotage and how pro athletes become so good at what they do to how Outside Magazine is beginning to point its lens more at cycling with the addition of Bike Snob NYC’s Eben Weiss and Semi-Rad’s Brendan Leonard to its weekly on line offerings.

Kristen Dieffenbach coaches, teaches, and is a top-notch athlete herself and offers us some clear advice and ideas about working with our kids as well as ourselves.  She is also an executive board member at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology.

Outside’s executive editor, Axie Navas, explains what the magazine wants to convey and to whom as it navigates print, online, and podcast avenues to bringing great content to the reader and listener.

Then, I’ve chosen an interview from 2011 to remind you of one of our great frame builders. Steve Garro from Coconino Cycles in Flagstaff, Arizona is one “tough hombre” and, while I watch and follow him on an almost daily basis on social media, it’s nice to hear his voice again.

Show #356 – July 15, 2017

Guests: Jonathan Maus, NARP’s James Zumwalt + Caitlin & Victoria, Sara Dykman

First guest this evening is Jonathan Maus. He is the publisher/editor of and I’ve invited him to be my guest to talk about a new law that just passed Oregon State legislature that will TAX new bikes a flat $15 fee.

We’ll find out what precipitated the tax, what the State is saying the money will be used to do, and get the cycling-side of the move. One of the issues at hand for me is that it will be contingent upon bike shops to collect the money and then… what?

We’ll speak with a trio of folks who are involved with the U.S. railroad system. James Zumwalt is the director of policy research for the National Association of Railroad Passengers and has some chilling data about what the Feds are thinking about in terms of our national passenger rail system. He will be joined by two young women, fresh out of college, who are taking the summer and the train, along with their bikes, to highlight the rail system and what it is like to take your bike on board.

Our third guest is Sara Dykman. Sara is a Kansas City native who graduated from college in 2008. Since then, she has bicycle-toured 49 states (her first summer out of school!), has traveled the length of South America, and has canoed from Montana to the Gulf of Mexico.

As if that isn’t impressive enough, she is the creator of Beyond a Book, an organization that hooks kids up with wildlife projects; the current one, Butter Bike, being a 10,000 mile solo bike trip following the migration of the Monarch Butterflies. We’ll talk with Sara in Vermont as she makes the return toward Mexico.

You can follow Sara’s trip at ButterBike!