Show #503 – May 9, 2020

Guests: Zoe Zeerip; Eli Akira Kaufman & Barry Gribbon

This week, we visit with Zoe Zeerip, a young woman who, at the age of only 12, was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

For 6 months in the summer of 8th grade, Zoe laid on a couch in her home town of Grand Rapids, Michigan while awaiting an appointment with a specialist to figure out what the crazy spider web that was appearing on an X-ray film meant after a scope to her knee.

The diagnosis of idiopathic juvenile arthritis came along with some hefty pharmaceuticals chosen to help her chronic pain and inflammation.

Today, almost 10 years later, Zoe talks with me about her disease, how she is coping – including being able to ride her bicycles – and about the film – Joint Effort – her brother Zep made to show what it’s like to live with JIA.  (The film appears on the Creakyjoints web site)

We also discuss “Protect Our Winters,” the environmental organization about which she is so passionate!

While the pandemic has wreaked havoc with much or our daily lives, there are always a couple of bright spots – including clearer skies and less crowded streets.

Eli Akira Kaufman is the executive director of the LACBC and Barry Gribbon is the ride director for the LA River Ride.

They are here to talk about the organization, the 21 year old ride – and when it will actually happen next – and what we might look forward to when the “new normal” kicks in.

Show #502 – May 2, 2020

Guests: Matt Pinder; Kelly O’Mara

I was never one of those people who said – “this is what I want to be when I grow up;” and, in fact, had absolutely NO idea that I’d spend my entire adult life in the bicycle world.

But, Matt Pinder who is the author of the blog, Beyond the Automobile, knew.

Matt holds a Masters in Engineering from the University of Toronto, with a specialization in Transportation Planning & Engineering. And, he’s passionate about improving the way the world moves – and bicycles are a HUGE part of that passion.

After my conversation with Matt, we’ll speak with Kelly O’Mara, the editor-in-chief of Triathlete Magazine.

Her recent article, “will triathlons comes back this year? what will they look like? was just published on April 29th. Those are two HUGE questions and, while we don’t have a crystal ball, Kelly has been talking with athletes, race directors, and sponsors as pools stay closed and events are either being cancelled or postponed.


Show #501 – April 25, 2020

Guests: Jenn Dice; Dr. Michael Lewis

I hope you are safe and well and, as we begin to re-enter the world more fully, will continue to be mindful of taking care of yourself and those around us.

First I’d like to say thank you – thank you all for your kind words about the 500th episode of the show last week. Looking back, it just doesn’t seem possible that I’ve been hosting this podcast for almost 10 years! And, it’s still mostly a lot of fun – of course, nothing is perfect and especially all the time!

As the weather continues to improve here on the east coast and, even though we may find many of the plans we had were disrupted, postponed, or cancelled entirely, I thought an upbeat conversation about getting back out there was in order.

I remember many years ago when a fledgling organization People For Bikes asked that people sign a pledge that supported getting more people on bikes with the hopes of getting 1,000,000 signatures. At the time, I wasn’t at all certain about that lofty goal – but, I put the paper petitions on the counter in the shop and watched people sign.

Fast forward to today? 1.3 million people have signed on to support the notion and People For Bikes is a force to be reckoned with as their programs – from community grants and statistical gathering to their political work and industry-wide partnerships – show.

Today, Jenn Dice, the COO of PFB, joins me from Colorado where she is still staying at home and working, to talk about their newest resource for all of us – Ride Spot. It’s an app. And, it is an encouraging sign that bicycles are going to play a bigger role going forward.

Dr. Michael Lewis is back to talk about his work with the brain. 

Originally working in epidemiology, Dr. Lewis was tapped by the Army to work with his idea that Omega-3 might help to balance the inflammatory problems with the brain – especially when injured by a TBI. His work resulted in his book, When Brains Collide. And, I wanted him to explain his work and how it might apply to anyone who hits his or her head – even when wearing a helmet.

Show #500 – April 18, 2020

It’s our 500th show! NO KIDDING!!!!
And, it’s a special edition of the show!

We turn the microphone around while Brian interviews Diane.

We discuss a variety of topics from how The Outspoken Cyclist started to what we want to see going forward.

Thanks for listening to the show.

Thanks for being a member of our “team.”

I hope you will continue to enjoy our weekly episodes.

Show #499 – April 11, 2020

Guests: Mari Holden; Beppe Salerno & Heather Dowd


It’s been several years since I first contacted my first guest – Mari Holden. And, it took our stay-at-home orders to have her light in one place long enough to find time to chat with me.

Mari is a multiple time national champion, a world champion, has been inducted into the Bicycle Hall of Fame,  and is an Olympic champion, winning the silver medal at the games in Sydney in 2000 . She’s gutsy, smart, and takes her roles in whatever she is doing seriously. Today, she is sidelined while USA Cycling is trying to get everyone back to work, where she is the women’s road coach.


Then, we’ll check back in with Beppe Salerno and Heather Dowd, the husband and wife team that owns Tourissimo Travel Tours out of Italy.

First, Beppe fills us in on the situation on the ground in Italy, where is family lives and Beppe . Then, he and Heather talk about the now shortened 2020 tour season and why cycle touring is so important today.

Show #498 – April 4, 2020

Guests: Brad Sohner; Joe Bell (encore)

Today’s show is a bit different from what I had planned as my guest, in Colorado Springs is recovering from being sick.   I’m not sure she had the virus; but, she is still coughing from whatever it was and so we’ve postponed our chat until next week.

One last item that came up as I was preparing the show this week; The Tokyo Olympics have a new date and have been rescheduled to run from July 23rd through August 8th of 2021.  There will probably be more announcements about other events this week.

Do you hear that?  It’s the sound of the Tour de Quarantine!

If you need a little fun – and don’t we all?  Brad Sohner is currently sheltered in place at home in Pittsburgh.  Brad Sohner is a well-known race announcer.  Brad Sohner has  taken his immense talents as a race announcer and, while peering out at the bike path that runs across from his apartment window, he began filming the riders who passed by.  Then, he added some commentary.  Then he added some sound effects.  And… well, I’ll let him tell you about the Tour de Quarantine!

The, it’s an encore presentation with one of the most respected and revered frame painter in the business.

Frame painting is probably one of the most difficult and perhaps least appreciated parts of the custom builder’s process. In fact, many builders don’t paint their own frames, leaving it to masters like my next guest, Joe Bell. If you ask any of his long time clients like Richard Sachs or Dave Kirk or Grant Petersen – there isn’t a better paint master out there!

Show #497 – March 28, 2020

Guests: Sarah Goodyear; Steve Maxwell & Spencer Martin

I’m sheltering in place – washing my hands when I do go out and come back in- and taking every precaution to stay safe, I have to give BIG props to our Governor – Mike DeWine – and his team for taking a firm stand on what is best for us in Ohio. I think we’re staying ahead of that curve and we know is spiking all over the country – and the world.

This week, I’ve got two conversations and I’m excited about both of them.

Sarah Goodyear is the co-host of a really cool podcast titled The War On Cars. The show emanates from NYC and is focused on NYC. What is super interesting about it though is an approach to the subject that looks outside the usual box for topics, guests, and stories. For example, taking the 14th Street bus with two local television celebrities to discuss how the traffic pattern on the street has changed. Or, talking with Car Talk’s Ray Magliozzi,  one of the brothers from the original Car Talk.

Then, we’ll speak with Steve Maxwell and Spencer Martin from The Outer Line. The creators of the popular column in Velo News have been looking at what’s happened to the 2020 pro cycling season and see some very different outcomes than just a bunch of cancellations to races. In fact, the entire face of pro cycling might just morph into something completely different from what we’re used to seeing.

Show #496 – March 21, 2020

Guests: Dr. Michael Lewis; Betsy Welch; Frank Yohannan, Caron Whitaker

Hello and welcome to TOC. I’m your host Diane Jenks and this is our show for March 21, 2020. Happy spring! Well… maybe.

It’s been a really rough week for everyone – regardless of where you live and what you ordinarily do.

So, when deciding what to share with you this week, I was pleasantly surprised by a message about Dr. Michael Lewis. At first, I thought – well, he has more knowledge than probably 99% of us about how infectious diseases work; but, more importantly, he has a lot of things to share that will give you hope and help you to persevere in these incredibly daunting and trying times.

Then, we’ll speak with Velo News’ Senior Editor, Betsy Welch. I wanted to check in to see what the Velo News staff is doing and how they will cover the now mostly cancelled racing season.

I was disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to attend Sea Otter in Monterey next month. I had such big plans! BUT, not to worry… Sea Otter has been rescheduled and we are going to hear all about it when I welcome Frank Yohannan, the CEO of the Sea Otter Classic, to the show.

And, finally, we’ll chat with the LAB’s VP for Government Relations , Caron Whitaker about the now virtual Bike Summit and how they not only pulled it together at the last minute; but, how you can actually participate in every single break out session, the keynote address, and even get in on the Capitol Hill ask.

I want to add one more thing – I am sure you are up to your proverbial ears in what all the experts are saying, with all the day-long coverage of how we don’t have enough masks, ventilators, beds, or trained workers – BUT, if you are healthy, you can jump on your bike and just ride around the neighborhood or take to a local trail, or walk your dog around the block. There is an excellent book, “To Be Healed By The Earth” by Warren Grossman that I highly recommend if you are interested. Check it out on I think it could be a ray of sunshine in an otherwise gray landscape.

Show #495 – March 14, 2020

Guests: Bouker Pool; Ned Overend

I sincerely hope you are well and not experiencing any effects of the now declared pandemic. I am sure you have been overwhelmed with the flood of information and admonitions about what you should and shouldn’t do.

However, if you are interested, I always like to check in with Dr. Gabe Mirkin’s information and posted his thoughts about the Covid-19 outbreak on our Face Book page if you are interested in reading it. You can also fine his work on line at

This week, I had the distinct honor of a terrific conversation with one of the most celebrated – and deservedly so – mountain bike heroes of the past 40 years! Ned Overend, who is about to turn 65, is still out there competing at incredible levels.  His accolades go on for-EVER – and include 3 Halls of Fame, more titles than you can count, 6-time NORBA Champion, etc. etc. etc.

He’s been a brand ambassador with Specialized since he retired from racing for the company many years ago.

Our conversation covers his early life – from his birth in Taiwan and 4 years in Ethiopia – to his early days as a car mechanic and then a celebrated bike racer.

First though, we’ll speak with Bouker Pool, the Chief Commercial Officer for USA Cycling. With the worldwide spread of the corona virus, the organization is scrambling to get all of our athletes home from racing and training in a myriad of countries.

We’ll talk with Bouker about that as well as what might be on the horizon for the cycling season including nationals, worlds, and the Olympics.

show #494B – March 7, 2020

First up is the advocacy organization in Greenville, SC – Bike Walk Greenville. While it may not be the oldest advocacy group in the U.S. it must certainly be one of the most productive having several BIG projects accomplished in what must be record time.

And, this past week, after browsing an enormous 400+ page document to be presented at the Greenville City Council meeting, Bike Walk Greenville’s executive director, Frank Mansbach found 2 pages that detailed adding sharrows to 13 streets.

THAT was on a Saturday and with some quick phone calls to his executive board, Frank had gotten his advocates lined up and signed up to speak at the council meeting the following Monday. And, damn if they didn’t make their

Then, it’s off to Northern Kentucky for a chat with Joe Braun, ride director for a new event, The Licking Valley Century, which is part of the Kentucky Cycling Challenge this spring and summer. Scheduled for June 27th, the inaugural ride sounds like a real winner.

Finally, not leaving my own backyard without some early spring acknowledgment, I reached out to Jacob Van Sickle, the executive director of Bike Cleveland to get a quick update on how we’re doing – and, I’m pleased to say we’re doing really well.