Show #574 – September 25, 2021

Guests: Noa Banayan; Carl Gaede

The transportation bill NEEDS to be reauthorized – and soon! Like this coming week!

That fact led me to Noa Banayan – the Director of Federal Affairs for People for Bikes. Noa, who is headquartered in Washington, DC. is the liaison between government and us when it comes to support for and funding of programs that will impact bicycling on so many levels.

Between the Transportation and Reconciliation Bills, there is potentially a HUGE pot of money on the table for us.

We’ve been talking about the refugee situation in Afghanistan for the past several weeks, and we will give you a brief update at the end of the show.
There are other refugee stories though -stories that we occasionally hear about but that somehow seem really far away. The way we address those “stories” is to make donations or send clothing and food. And those things are important.

Carl Gaede and his wife Julie are both psychotherapists. Back in 2008, they learned of the Acholi People who live in Sudan and Northern Uganda. They were under threat and torture from the LRA – the Lord’s Resistance Army – and their story became the passion of the Gaede’s .

In 2008, they literally packed their bags, sold all their belongings, and decided to take their special wellness program to the refugees who were finding themselves mentally and emotionally stressed from the war and torture.
Since then, their non-profit organization, Tutapona*, has helped 10s of thousands of refugees with stress related problems.

Now, Carl and 7 other riders are bringing to light the plight of 80 million displaced people around the globe by riding across the U.S. in 8 days to raise $80,000. Their Ride4Refugees begins on October 2nd.

Show #573 – September 18, 2021

Guests: Brendt Barbur; Phil Cavell

Today, we’re going to the movies! The Bicycle Film Festival, which is celebrating its 20th year, has been screening films virtually since last year when everything was shut down. with over 50 cities already screening films this year, Cleveland is up this week.

Brendt Barbur is the founder and owner of the Bicycle Film Festival. To get YOUR ticket to the Cleveland screenings, log on to and click tickets. Then scroll down to find the link for Cleveland. And, don’t forget the popcorn.

Beginning this past Friday, September 17th, you can purchase a ticket – good for an entire week – and log on to see the 90 minutes of short curated films.

Phil Cavell is one of the founders of CycleFit and the author of the new book, The Midlife Cyclist: The Road Map for the +40 Rider Who Wants To Train Hard, Ride Fast, and Stay Healthy. And, we explore it all.

Are you a micro adjuster or macro absorber? Are you flexible and hyper-mobile or stiff and un-bending? These are some of the ways Phil Cavell, professional bike fitter and author of the new book The Midlife Cyclist: The Road Map for the +40 Rider Who Wants To Train Hard, Ride Fast, and Stay Healthy, asks and answers as we discuss his thinking about being a midlife cyclist.

Oh, and please excuse the rattling of the paper in the second part of our conversation – I take copious notes and needed to turn the page!

Show #572 – September 11, 2021

Guests: Justin Christopher; Dave Simmons

It’s Our Anniversary. Welcome to our show for September 11, 2021.

Of course the significance of the date is not lost on me and I’m sure not on you either. I have vivid memories of that day twenty years ago and it’s sobering to think about the lives lost and the fear that was burned into our hearts and minds.

Ironically, today is also a day to celebrate for TOC. It was eleven years ago today, my first guest, Ben Serotta, helped to launch the podcast. I’ve learned so much from not only the weekly production of the show but also from the amazing people whom I’ve had the honor to interview.

And, I am grateful and humbled by you – those who faithfully listen to the show, send me messages of encouragement and praise as well as take me to task when you hear something you don’t like. You’ve provided me with great ideas for shows and led me to some of the most interesting people!

So as we launch year #12.let me just say thank you – thank you for everything that you do that supports the sport of cycling – whether you ride to work or compete at the elite level and everything in-between.

Here in the U.S. we know that spring is baseball season and football begins in the fall. We have basketball and hockey and golf and tennis but when September comes around for cyclists, we know that it’s cyclocross season!

And so, I thought we should launch cross season with someone who is totally immersed in it!

With a deep background in the bicycle business, Justin Christopher parlayed his love for cyclocross into a business while still riding and racing.

His company RideCX offers up a lot of product that might not be readily available at your local shop; but, more than that, Justin gives us a thorough understanding of the sport as well as what we can expect to see here in the States for the 2021-2022 Cross season – and, it’s a lot.

Then, we head to Illinois to speak with the Executive Director of Ride Illinois, the organization that promotes cycling, works on legislation, and offers education to riders young and old.

Dave Simmons might be relatively new to the position, but his background in education makes him uniquely suited to all of the many aspects of advocacy that are so important to growing cycling in each state.

One of the “big wins” for Illinois is the passage of HB 270! It takes the burden of expense off local municipalities that might not otherwise have had the means to add critical infrastructure for biking and walking.

And then there are the quizzes you can take at

Show #571 – September 4, 2021

Guests: Jenn Hamelman; Michael Rogers

This week, we explore the USBRS – AKA, the U.S. Bicycle Route System with ACA‘s Jenn Hamelman.

Jen has “touched” every mile of the maps that ACA offers – she was a cartographer for the organization for almost 20 years.

Now, she is tasked with coordinating the US bicycle route system and just this past month, 2,903 new miles were added in 5 states.

We talk about how new routes are added and signed, and what the ultimate goal is for the USBRS.

PS – O-H-I-O… Not only were more miles added to the USBRS in Ohio, but we rank #1 in the sheer number of miles ON the USBRS system. Something for which we can be very proud.

Then, we speak with ex-pro racer Michael Rogers.

Michael, who comes from a cycling family, turned pro in 2000.

He won the world TT title three times, competed in many grand tours as well as one-day classics, has quite a few stage wins under his helmet, and is now the innovation manager for the UCI.

During his 16 years in pro cycling, he saw a lot of changes in the sport. From the influence of the Italians he watched the impact of a more scientific application when the English started improving the riders’ helmets, apparel, and more.

Now, he sees a third transition as all the marginal gains have been achieved and a whole new generation of cyclists are training and racing with high technology from power meters to 3-D printed handlebars.

Michael’s job as innovation manager is a new role at the UCI – dealing with technical innovations, safety, and a whole lot more.

Show #570 – August 28, 2021

Guests: Jim Sayer; Jamie Schanbaum & Dr. Iriny Salib

My first guest is Jim Sayer. Jim was the Executive Director of the Adventure Cycling Association or 15 years, stepping down at the start of 2020.

Now, he’s on a bicycling tour to complete the perimeter ride he’s been working on for many years. One of his stops was right here in NE Ohio and we invited him to stay with us.

On his way into town, Jim wheeled into Brian’s shop about noon and after some mech work, he headed on over to the house for a shower, a beer, and a chat before we all had dinner.

We talked about a lot of things – his time at ACA, his work in non-profit, and the climate advocacy that he’s raising funds for on this trip.

He is diligently recording his thoughts about his trip, accompanied by lots of photos and a few videos, on his FB page.

We sent him on his way the next morning after a hearty breakfast and a morning rain storm. You can see a photo of him and find the links to the organizations we talked about –, the sunrise movement, and . And, by the way, Jim did get his tahinii milkshake from Tommy’s.

Our second conversation is a serious one.

I don’t know if you’ve been watching the paralympics, but these athletes are something else!

And today, we speak with a past gold medal paralympian cyclist by the name of Jamie Schanbaum. Her story is nothing short of amazing, if not terrifying.
Jamie, who is a spokesperson for G-S-K and Dr. Iriny Salib, who is a vaccine researcher and educator at GSK. are both passionate about immunizations and educating people about the disease that can afflict teens and young adults.

Before her first semester of college was barely underway, Jamie found herself in a hospital, fighting for her life with what was quickly diagnosed as meningitis – and just the word strikes terror.

Jamie survived and left the hospital after seven months – but, had to have her fingers and both of her legs amputated to save her life.

A long time bike commuter, she thought she’d never ride a bike again – but, as she tells us – she’s “adaptive” and she went on to not only ride again, but win gold as a paralympian.

Today, Jamie is a spokesperson with GSK and along with Dr. Iriny Saleb, encourages us to not only learn about the disease, but to get your kids vaccinated!

And if you want to know more about the importance of understanding meningitis and how you can protect your children in helping to prevent the disease with vaccines, ask your doctor about the two different meningitis vaccines or go to

Show #569 – August 21, 2021

Guests: Professor Ben Brewer; Journalist John Surico

I want to start by asking that you stay focused and informed about what is happening to the women cyclists and athletes in Afghanistan.

My colleague and activist friend Shannon Galpin told us in our conversation back in mid-July, these women were going to be in danger – and they are.

This week, Shannon and her network are working feverishly to get these women out of the country. A few days ago, she was able to secure the departure for 5 women – making an agonizing choice as to who would board a plane.

Please keep these brave people in your thoughts and intentions as people work feverishly behind the scenes to secure their passage to safety.

This week’s show is a two-fer and both guests have joined me in the past.

Back in 2019, Sociology Professor Ben Brewer asked custom frame builders to respond to a survey he had designed with the hopes of learning about as he calls it the “micro-enterprise” of frame building.

COVID sort of delayed the survey, but in fact, gave Ben some extra time to analyze the almost 40% response he received from his list of around 300 builders.

Whether you want to BE a frame builder or want to know ABOUT frame builders, Ben has some concrete answers for you.

Today, we’ll break down what he found out about frame builders from how many units they produce to where they live, how much education they’ve received, and whether they are actually making any money.

And, if you want to see the entire survey, you can download it too!

Then, John Surico is back to help unpack the $1T+ infrastructure bill.

From $39 billion – with a b – for public transit to 66B – another b – for Amtrak, the massive infrastructure bill that finally passed the Senate is back in the hands of the House of Representatives to be marked up to get ready for a vote.

But, is there money for micro-mobility? Is this bill enough? Well, is it ever enough? And, what’s in it for biking, walking, Greenways, and local projects?

Let’s ask John Surcio… he knows!

Show #568 – August 14, 2021

Guests: Eldon Nelson; Chuck Marohn

If you’re like me, the thought of racing a mountain bike for 100 miles, starting at 10,000 feet and climbing 12,500 feet in a day is utterly terrifying! And yet, my first guest has done it 23 times – finishing it 22… and is about to go again – today actually – August 14th.

Elden Nelson is, by all rights, the Leadville 100 Guru – he even has a great podcast dedicated to the event.

But last year, COVID put the kibosh on the race and a series of small snafus have resulted in too many participants for this year. Yet still… the race will go on and I wanted to catch up with Elden to get the low-down on this year’s event.

PS… it’s NOT about the belt buckle – oh wait, maybe it is!



Then, we FINALLY get to speak with Strong TownsChuck Marohn about his upcoming book, Confessions of a Recovering Engineer.

Whenever I have a conversation with  Chuck Marohn, I have the best of intentions to follow the train of thought I had planned out …. Instead, I get a fascinating conversation that just flows from one topic to the next and, frankly I’m happy with that!

Chuck’s perspectives on planning and what will keep towns and cities solvent – even prosperous – have come up against an establishment that is both defensive and unyielding to new ways of thinking about roads, bridges, and how we live today. That establishment still relies on 50+ year ideas and technology in a world where new options abound.

Show #567 – August 7, 2021

Guest: Vince Jourdain

This week, we welcome one great guest to the show – someone who has a wide and deep knowledge of the UCI AND the peloton.

As you know, there was a lot of controversy in this year’s Tour de France about all the incidents – beginning with day one’s crash from a spectator leaning into the peloton and taking out the lead rider, causing the domino effect.

And, outside the race, there have been numerous discussions among professional fitters about what else might be causing so many riders to crash – from the size of the bikes and the kind of equipment the riders are using to the levels of skill and a lack of respect that newer riders on the world tour are bringing to the competition.

So, I decided to go to the source, and today, my guest is Vincent Jourdain.

Vince was in charge of Race Operations for the UCI from 2016 until earlier this year; and was National Coach for Canada for 15 years.

His duties were far reaching – from the organization of each event to fielding actionable complaints and incidents during an event.

Today, with everyone having a video camera in his or her pocket, and the wide reach of social media, every race can be fraught with issues that might need adjudicating. It’s a BIG job.

What happens when there’s a crash or a motor vehicle gets in the way? What is the process and who decides what is to be done?

Are riders coming to the world stage too early or without going through the proving grounds of local, state, national, and eventually world tour steps?

And, then of course there is the equipment – what happens when something breaks or there is an equipment failure and how does the UCI determine what is acceptable?

And, does the industry place too much pressure on the UCI to accept certain products or product categories?

These are all questions I put to Vince and, I think you will not only enjoy this conversation, but learn a lot about how professional racing is done!.

Show #566 – July 31, 2021

Guest: Chris Kelly

This week, the show is taking a different road – out to California to speak with just one guest in  great conversation – frame builder Chris Kelly.

Last week, in some banter on FB, I inadvertently mixed up Chris Kelly and Charlie Kelly… shame on me!  They are both amazing people and,  since I had Charlie on the show back in 2015, it was high time Chris joined me.

Chris Kelly has a great story – starting out racing back in the day, going to school for architecture, having a big bike building gig, and ending up back in his own shop, building his own brand of frames and forks, and just as happy as a clam.

Chris believes that the bike industry has a “lack of vision,” and today, a lot of what he tried and succeeded in having work years ago, is standard stuff. It’s just another example of how custom builders can and often do influence the market.

Chris also has done a radio gig and his Tom Petty Tribute Band, Petty Luv – that love as in L U V, just had its first public gig since COVID began last weekend.

I’d say Chris is pretty well-rounded, well-grounded, and well-informed.

I want to preface the conversation with an addendum to what you will hear – I ask Chris about his FAQ’a – which are excellent – but what I should have also have asked him was about his tech questions because they are fabulous.

So – when you go to his website,, make sure you click on the tech tab at the top and read through his tech questions!

Show #565 – July 24, 2021

Guests: Justin McCurry; Iris Slappendel & Lexi Brown

Well… it’s a version of the summer Olympics we’ve never seen before and I hope all the athletes are safe! One of the cycling events I’ll be watching is a version of Keirin – Japanese track racing..  And, auspiciously, The War on Wheels, Inside the Keirin and Japan’s Cycling Subculture, the first really in-depth book about the sport, the riders, the bikes, and the subculture has just been published.

Justin McCurry. who has lived in Japan since 1991, is the author of the book, and the Guardian’s correspondent in Tokyo where he covers Japan and Southeast Asia.

So – what IS Keirin?  We know it’s a form of track racing – but, it is a very different sport in country  – and it’s apparently pretty crazy.

Keirin – pronounced Ka-Rin in Japan and Ke-Rin, which is the UCI approved version – are actually two different types of the sport.

Steeped in a culture of betting and slogging it out in a tight formation on concrete tracks, Japan was, in a way, revitalized by the sport when it was the idea of two returning soldiers in 1948.

 Iris Slappendel and Lexi Brown are part of the Cyclists Alliance, a great organization formed to help professional women riders.  

When I saw the appalling statistics from the 2021 rider survey conducted by the Cyclists Alliance, I wanted to understand if what I was seeing was real – and unfortunately it is.

From a dismal 34% of professional riders with no salary – up from 17% in 2018 to 38% of professional riders working a second job alongside their career, women are not thriving in the peloton.

With a goal of supporting and protecting women pro cyclists, the Alliance’s mission is simple: in a word, they are seeking fairness.  And, their annual survey makes it painfully clear just how unfair things are.

The cyclists alliance was formed to not only help with salaries, but to offer guidance, legal support, and mentor-ship.